I’ve been doing past life regression for over 10 years now, and I’ve witnessed many amazing things that can occur during the session. 
The relief of physical pain is one of the most gratifying. 

 It is always imperative to bring the client to the time of their death in every life experienced for a few reasons: How did they die? 
Injury, disease or ailments may manifest in the present life via cell memory. A mortal wound to the back may still present as back pain in the present life. 

 For example, a person killed in battle, who had strong emotions questioning the reasons of war and violence against their fellow man, versus a person killed in battle who called themselves a warrior and believed they did what they had to do, and died with honor. 
 The person who feels that what they did was justified may not harbor those trapped emotions, as opposed to the one who feels guilt and sadness who may hold onto that pain as a reminder. 
 Whether or not one is right or wrong, it’s the belief that carries over. 
 If someone dies with sadness and regrets, from pneumonia or something in the chest area, that person may have chronic conditions in the lungs, heart or chest in their present life. 
Surrounded by family or even one person who cares about them, the death scene can be less traumatic, and those symptoms may never manifest. 
 That being said, I’ve seen many who died alone and were not sad or traumatized, but unafraid and could reflect on the good things in that life. 
 When someone is suffering from chronic pain in the present life, it can usually be traced back to emotional trauma that was experienced at the time of the disease or injury. 

 How is the person then healed? 
 Sometimes, the pain decreases and becomes more manageable over time. 
I have clients who still have twinges of chronic pain, but say they no longer “suffer” from their pain. 
 I have clients who continue to work and peel away the layers of lives, and with each visit become more aware of their roles and lessons over time, until their pain has dissipated. 
 Then there are the ones who’s pain almost immediately disappears the first time. 
 I don’t know exactly how or even why it works, it just does. 

That’s the miracle and mystery.


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