Be Your Own Muse

For the past few weeks, Greek Gods have been coming through in my readings and sessions.

It started with Zeus who announced himself as a Master Teacher for my client, who also happened to have many great teachers surrounding and working with him. Zeus told him he was fighting his battles for him, so that my client ( who was very smart and innovative, but didn’t like controversy and confrontation) didn’t have to.

Last week, while in session, the guidance that came through for my client was this-

“Be your own Muse”

Spirit then went on to explain how a muse 
( usually feminine) is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.

Imagine, they asked, if you were the Muse for the most powerful creative being that you might look up to and admire from afar.

What do you think they would see in you that would cause such inspiration?
My client thought about what made her feel unique and strong.

“Well, I’m a runner,” she said.

( She’s not just a runner, but a dedicated athlete who is going to the Boston Marathon for the second time this year )

Immediately, an image came to me of a man with wings on his feet, running so fast, it looked as if he was flying.

When the channeling was finished, I did what I always do when curious about the information or Beings that present themselves- 

I Googled.

The “Muses” were the nine daughters of Zeus and MnemosyneIt, who presided over the Arts and Sciences.

Hermes is the winged messenger, who moves swiftly between the worlds of Men and Gods.

He is, among other things, the protector of athletes.

Wow. I love when I don’t have any clue about the things I channel, and then I can verify and validate the information.

So, listen closely my dears-

Imagine that you are the Muse for someone you admire greatly.

An Ascended Master, an Angel, a healer, or a great thinker in history.
Look at your gifts, no matter how puny you believe them to be, and see them through that great one’s loving eyes.

Imagine how you are inspiring them everyday with your gifts, your talents, your uniqueness.

You’ll find yourself in turn becoming more inspired.

And becoming your own Muse.

Interested in an Intuitive Reading? Visit my website


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