Cops and Angels


My cousin Mike is a retired Miami detective. He started as a cop, was an undercover DEA, and now he specializes in money laundering, traveling the country giving talks and advising large companies.

He's also a psychic medium, but won't admit to it.

He once told me about a red haired woman that used to haunt my Grandmother's house; specifically my Aunt Libby's upstairs bedroom. I spent a lot of time in that house as a kid and then an adult, and never once felt or saw a thing.
He remembered this apparition yelling at him, mad that he was there, insisting it was her house. He was eleven years old and terrified, but he didn't dare tell anyone for fear of being ridiculed.

As a Miami cop, he saw a lot. At night before falling asleep, sepia toned faces would come to him, one after another and he felt like they wanted to tell him something, they wanted his help in some way, but he couldn't figure out what, and they didn't tell him why they invaded his thoughts.

A few months ago, Mike called me to chat.
He began the conversation with- 
"I have to tell you something, but first I want you to know that I'm okay," 

He then told me a story so amazing that I'm still in awe whenever I think about it

He was playing soccer ( at fifty five years old, it was probably not the smartest thing, but he went to college on a soccer scholarship, and still thought he was in great shape, I guess)
and it got a little rough.
The next day his upper leg was badly bruised, but Mike figured it was from getting hit by the ball, and dismissed it.
Over the next few days, his leg grew worse in color and began to swell.
He continued to ignore the pain until that night when he coughed in the shower and clots of blood came out of his mouth.
His girlfriend insisted they go to the emergency room, where the medial staff found a blood clot in his leg that was heading for his heart.

He was immediately put on an I.V. and admitted.

Mike assured me that he was now home and fine, he'd only spent one night in the hospital, and they had caught the clot and dissolved it in time. He was resting and taking medication.

While he was at the hospital, one of the tests they ordered was an EEG for his heart.

As the nurses were wheeling his bed down the hallway, Mike used self- hypnosis techniques to relax.
In this pleasant state, without any medications or pain control, he began to notice that lining the sides of the hallway were beings that were, let's just say - not human.

"They were angels, " he told me quite calmly.

"Oh, my God, what did they look like?" I asked.

"Really tall. Like eight or nine feet. I could only see their faces and down to their chests. The rest of their bodies were just, well, light."

He looked at the people all around him, including the nurses, but no one else seemed to notice the light beings.

He was wheeled into a private room, and hooked up to the machine for his test, while nurses began the thirty minute procedure.

"They were in the room with me the whole time," Mike said. "Surrounding me, and staring at me. At first, I thought, oh no, I'm going to die! But then I felt very calm, and assured that everything was going to be fine. I knew that they were protecting me."

"Did they talk to you?" I asked breathlessly.

"Not with their mouths. It was like we were communicating with our minds."

Listening to my cousin, I felt not just excitement and wonder, but an incredibly strong connection between us, like this story was meant to happen and we had become close as adults for this reason.

"Okay, when I tell you what happened next, you've got to believe me," Mike said slowly.

"Uh, okay." I was mesmerized.

"They spread their wings. They had wings, just like you see in the pictures and paintings.
And they made this sound, like... whoosh! They encircled me and it was like a an igloo of wings covering me."

"But, what did their faces look like?" I asked.

"So fierce, they were almost scary.  They had hawk shaped noses, and faces that looked.....battle weary."

"Battle weary?" I asked, a bit surprised. I always thought angels were soft and beautiful with flowing hair and kind eyes.

"Yeah," Mike said, his voice dreamy with remembrance.

"I remember thinking , nothing evil could stand up against these guys. They've seen it all and have survived."

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, and I took a big breath.

"Then, the one standing next to me, moved closer and for a moment I was actually afraid. He leaned close to my ear and said-" There was a slight pause.
"I know this sounds crazy," Mike said softly.

"No, no it doesn't," I insisted. "What did he say??"

"He said-

"You're one of us"

The blood pounded in my ears. As a channel and trance medium, I've had my own incredible experiences over the years, but hearing these words from my practical, unflappable cousin was... thrilling. 

"I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous. I mean, how can I be one of them? Me, one of those fierce angels? It's crazy!"

"No, it's not," I said excitedly, "It makes perfect sense! Look at the profession you chose. You're a protector as well. You are one of them!

Mike hesitated. "Maybe you're right. I feel like I'm meant for more at this time in my life. Like I'm supposed to help people in some way. That they came to me so I could see them and believe in them," he said.

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone, eager to share the story with family and the friends who I knew would care.

They all reacted just as I had - with excitement, wonder and also I imagine, a sense of longing.
Longing for that experience, to see and meet their angels in person, to witness firsthand the miracle and mysteries of the Universe that are here for us to discover. 

Do you have an angel story? I'd like to hear about it.

Barb Angelo, The Ordinary Mystic


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